Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Beaded Jewelry Exporters Aiming For Roaring Number

Latest reports say that, jewellery retailers have reported good profits in the last couple of months. Even though falling incomes and the higher cost of living is causing a strain on the public purse, jewelry shoppers are still spending in stores. The market demand for beaded jewelry is great because they are highly affordable and looks good on all kinds of outfit. Industry insiders say that one of the driving factor behind these sales has been the trend of buying more affordable options and beaded jewelry fits the bill perfectly. Some say its a passing trend of investment in accessible luxury. As the beaded jewelry industry is growing by leaps and bounds, beaded jewelry exporters would certainly keep an eye on how long this trend continues.

Beads can be made from natural materials to synthetic materials and of course, precious metals. The most popular beaded jewelry includes singular or multiple-strand necklaces, bracelets, earrings, anklets, trinkets and belts. A well crafted beaded jewelry (either hand made or manufactured) will always compliment a women's attire and enhance her personality on the whole.

Its a wide known fact that women find the charm of jewellery irresistible and form the biggest target consumer base for the jewellery makers, worldwide. Beaded jewelry constitutes an important and indispensable part of most jewelry items. Their versatility can add charm and beauty to any type of ordinary design or style. Without an iota of doubt, beaded jewelry is a - must have, among all the jewelry lovers across the globe.

There is a general notion that beads are usually used in artificial jewelry, which is not correct. Good quality beads can be used to complement the beauty of gold and silver jewelry. Beaded jewelry has a universal appeal and is worn by people of all age groups.

As mentioned above, beads are made out of many different types of materials out of which the most popular ones are pearls, amber, gemstones, metals, horn, coral, ivory, tortoiseshell, jet, wood, ceramic etc. A trendy beaded jewellery can be antique or contemporary as per the demand or requirement of the collectors and buyers.

One of the upcoming trend that has been observed recently is that, hand made beads specially from countries in Africa and the Far East are getting a great deal of attention. Such type of jewelry serves a dual purpose of providing occupation for families in countries where sources of income are sparse and provides an altogether different variety of designs to the buyers.

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"Life is a train of moods like a string of beads; and as we pass through them they prove to be many colored lenses, which paint the world their own hue, and each shows us only what lies in its own focus." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

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